Some of the biggest corporations on the planet either call Seattle home, or are quickly finding a foothold in this city. Not only are they shaping the future of society and technology, they’re also reshaping the very essence of what it means to be a Seattlelite. There is an inherent willingness to accommodate diverse lifestyles and beliefs, life here is fluid, energetic and tense, and it’s thrilling to be a part of that journey.
Seattle is a city in flux and I identify with that personally. It’s in formation, both physically and spiritually. A drive through the city exposes the multitudes of cranes, construction sites and neighborhoods in the process of transformation. It also exposes the struggles that accompany growth.
On a recent flight to Seattle, a co-passenger asked if Seattle is home base for me.
The definition of home can be quite mystifying when you’ve spent a big portion of your life living in different countries. Is India still my home since my parents and brother live there? Was Helsinki home where I formed the norms of a professional life? Is Seattle home where my wife and I have bought our first house together?
I’ve developed generous and meaningful friendships here and met people I admire for their creativity and tenacity. Many of them are helping me shape my own story.
T.S. Eliot wrote ‘’Home is where one starts from.” So, in the spirit of moving forward and learning what it means to be a part of this great city, I call Seattle home.
You can find Karan online on Instagram at nigamkaran.